Τα patches της εβδομάδος σε τίτλους του Switch

Αρκετά patches κυκλοφόρησαν τις τελευταίες μέρες με μικροδιορθώσεις. Θα σας τα δώσουμε εδώ μαζεμένα.
Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics

Έκδοση 1.1.3
Fixed an issue that caused an error to occur when the software couldn’t correctly confirm each player’s update data version, depending on the communication status.
Nintendo Switch Parental Controls

Έκδοση 1.14.0
Adds support for iOS 14 and Android 11. Additionally, Nintendo mentioned that feature improvements and bug fixes have been implemented.
Pikmin 3 Deluxe

Έκδοση 1.1.0
- Fixes the bug where collected fruits were not being recorded under certain conditions.
If the problem was already happening, the collected fruit record will unfortunately not be adjusted. Once the update is downloaded, the bug will be fixed by going back to the date with no fruits recorded and collecting a fruit.
- Fixes the bug where acquired Badges got reverted to the unacquired status under certain conditions.
If the problem was already happening, the badges can be acquired by meeting the acquisition condition again.
Diablo 3

Έκδοση 1.36
- Fragment of Destiny: Your Signature Spells attack 50% faster and deal triple damage. You gain a Spectral buff whenever you land an attack with a Signature Spell. Hydras deal
25-30%20-30% increased damage for each Spectral stack. Max 10 stacks. - Fixed a bug where players would crash while in Act IV Campaign mode. Note* Issue still exists for Nintendo Switch and scheduled to be resolved the week of November 23, PST.

Έκδοση 1.16.101
- Fixed players unable to connect to Realms when playing on cellular data on mobile devices
- Fixed Minecoins not appearing after purchase until after restarting the game
New Features:
- Added a new Achievements screen design and brand new achievement artwork
- Over a dozen new Character Creator items have been added and can be unlocked with achievements
Mortal Kombat 11

Εδώ μιλάμε για ένα μεγάλο patch εν όψει της Ultimate Edition. έχει ένα ατελείωτο patch log οπότε θα καταθέσουμε μόνο τους τομείς που αλλάζει/προσθέτει κάτι: General Gameplay Adjustments, Kombat League / Online, Krypt, Towers of Time, Character Specific Adjustments.
Μέσα στα patches της εβδομάδος είναι και το Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity το οποίο έχουμε ήδη γράψει.