Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Το IGN Summer of Gaming 2020 θα καθυστερήσει – Τάσσεται υπέρ της δικαιοσύνης στις ΗΠΑ

Το IGN Summer of Gaming 2020 θα διεξαγόταν από 4 έως 24 Ιουνίου 2020. Πήρε όμως παράταση καθώς το γνωστό site στο χώρο των video games διαμαρτύρεται με τον τρόπο του για όσα συμβαίνουν στις ΗΠΑ. Τάσσεται υπέρ της κοινότητας της μαύρης κοινότητας και ζητάει ένα δίκειο κράτος. Διαβάστε όλη τη δήλωση:

We stand in solidarity with the Black community and condemn racism.

Out of respect for and in support of those rightfully demanding justice and change across the United States and the world, IGN will be delaying the launch of its Summer of Gaming main events until June 8.

Today, IGN is participating in Blackout Tuesday, a day of reflection, action, and commitment to meaningful change. IGN will be driving donations to support the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, an organization that supports legal action and long-term change, including on our daily live news show NG+.

Our sister company, Humble Bundle, has announced a $1 million fund dedicated to helping publish games by Black developers.

This is a start, but we are committed to driving long-term change. We will have more updates on how we will continue to support the fight for justice.


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