Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Top 5 παιχνίδια του Wii που αξίζουν να γίνουν port στο Switch


Έχουν περάσει 15 χρόνια από τότε που κυκλοφόρησε το Wii και ο κόσμος γνώρισε την πρωτοποριακή αυτή κονσόλα. Αυτό το μικρό κουτί, με τα περίεργα παιχνίδια τα οποία ήταν ειδικά κατασκευασμένα για τον καινοτόμο ελεγκτή κίνησης και το nunchuk χειριστήριο του συστήματος που δεν θα λειτουργούσαν το ίδιο σε κάποια άλλη πλατφόρμα. Τα Joy-Con είναι όμως η φυσική εξέλιξη των Wiimote.

Στην πραγματικότητα, έχουμε ήδη δει μια ολόκληρη σειρά αποκλειστικών παιχνιδιών του Wii στο Switch, όπως το Super Mario Galaxy , το Xenoblade Chronicles και το World of Goo , τα δύο πρώτα παιχνίδια της σειράς No More Heroes, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword και το υπέροχο Okami HD.

Στην λίστα δεν λήφθηκαν υπόψιν παιχνίδια τα οποία φημολογούντε ότι θα γίνουν port όπως τα: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime: Trilogy, GoldenEye 007.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

Πρέπει επιτέλους να αποκατασταθεί η αδικία. Είδαμε το Super Mario Galaxy στην συλλογή του Super Mario 3D All-Stars αλλά πουθενά η συνέχεια του.

Join the one and only Mario as you journey to mind-blowing planets where all-new pitfalls and perils await you, in Super Mario Galaxy 2!

It is time once again for the Stardust Festival, held once every hundred years when the Mushroom Kingdom is showered in shining stardust. Receiving an invitation from Princess Peach, Mario heads for the castle accompanied by a stray star child he found wandering the cosmos. But when Mario arrives at the castle, it’s already too late. Bowser has harnessed the power of the stars and whisked Peach away. An epic cosmic quest to rescue Peach is about to begin…

Delve deeper into space than ever before as Mario and Yoshi embark on an amazing new adventure. With scores of wildly creative galaxies to explore, all-new power-ups to grab and the freedom to play alone or get a helping hand, saving the day has never been so much fun! Climb to new heights or bowl over the bad guys as Cloud Mario and Rock Mario, and use Yoshi’s unique skill-set to soar, sprint and swing amid the stars.

Wii Sports

Είμαι σίγουρος ότι είναι ο τίτλος που όλοι οι χρήστες του wii έχουν ευχάριστες και διασκεδαστικές αναμνήσεις.

(update: μέχρι να ποστάρω το άρθρο έχει ήδη ανακοινωθεί το Nintendo Switch Sports. Μενει να δουμε πως στέκεται δίπλα στην έκδοση του Wii)

Warm up and throw yourself into the action with the hit sports game that will have you hooked faster than you can swing a tennis racquet!

Wii Sports offers five distinct sports experiences, each using the Wii Remote to provide a natural, intuitive and realistic feel. In Tennis, you’ll grab the controller like a racket and swing – the game will register forehands, backhands, volleys, lobs, slices, spin and power depending on how fast you swing and at what angle. Baseball will have you gripping the controller like a bat and swatting fastballs out of the park in a home run derby.

In Golf you’ll step up to the tee, hold the controller like a golf club and swing naturally to smack the ball onto the green. In Bowling, players raise the Wii Remote in their hand just like a bowling ball, and then swing their arms to roll the ball. When Boxing, using the Nunchuk controller as one glove and the Wii Remote as the other, players dodge, weave and punch their opponents.

Players can use their own Mii caricatures in the game and play them against their friends’ Miis for a more personalised experience. As players improve, their Miis’ skill levels will increase, so that they can see exactly how much better they’ve become. But whether you’re an experienced pro in every sport or a newcomer to the field of play, Wii Sports is an experience that you’ll want to keep coming back to again and again!

The Last Story

Μαζί με το Xenoblade Chronicles και το Pandora’s Tower , το The Last Story είναι αξιοσημείωτο ως ένας από τους τίτλους του “Project Rainfall” όπου παίκτες της Αμερικής έκαναν καμπάνια για να κυκλοφορούν στην χώρα τους. Η Nintendo, που δημοσίευσε αυτό το παιχνίδι, τελικά παραχώρησε δικαιώματα δημοσίευσης στο Xseed και κυκλοφόρησε έξι μήνες μετά.

Προερχόμενο από τον Hironobu Sakaguchi, τον δημιουργό του Final Fantasy ,είναι ένα εντυπωσιακό RPG και μια από τις τελευταίες μεγάλες κυκλοφορίες για την κονσόλα.

Take charge of a band of mercenaries and journey with them into an epic and cinematic adventure in The Last Story for Wii.

The Last Story blends beautiful visual design with an innovative real-time battle system and captivating tales of camaraderie. Players will explore secret-filled locations scattered across Lazulis Island, the heart of a human empire and scene of an unfolding drama that will bring hostilities between two ancient races to a head. Among the band of mercenaries under your control is Zael, a warrior imbued with rare powers and intrigued by the notion of one day becoming an honourable knight. But as Zael and his mercenary friends reach the island’s capital city and find themselves drawn into official affairs, they discover that honour is one quality that can never be taken for granted.

Central to gameplay in The Last Story is a combat system that calls on players to take the lead in employing tactical teamwork. By using the special “Gathering” ability, the character under your control will become the focal point for enemy aggression, freeing team-mates up to perform specific tasks or attacks and recover their health. Balancing out your use of Gathering is key, as constantly taking the hits for your team is not an option!

The Last Story draws you deeper into the drama of each battle by seamlessly blending cinematic cut-scenes with the combat, and also keeps things flowing by having characters discuss key plot points during normal gameplay – advancing the story without breaking from the action. The option of using either an automatic or manual attack system means players of all skill levels can alter the level of challenge to suit their abilities. And once you feel confident that you’ve mastered the finer points of fighting, there’s a whole other arena in which to test your skills, with The Last Story offering cooperative and competitive online battles for 2-6 players.

Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies

Το Sin and Punishment πραγματικά ανταποκρίνεται στο όνομά του, με καινοτομία, εκπληκτικά set-pieces και μερικές από τις καλύτερες Shoot ’em up σκηνές που προέρχονται από έναν προγραμματιστή με απίστευτη φόρμα σε αυτόν τον τομέα. Θα θέλαμε να το δούμε να πετάει ξανά σε HD.

The cult Japanese game, played in chapters, follows the mysterious story of Isa Jo and Kachi as they fight a battle for humanity between Inner and Outer Space. The two characters can fly above the ground and unleash fearsome firepower as they dash and glide using jet packs and flying boards, battling to repel the hordes of enemies with guns, swords and powerful bombs.

To add to the challenge, each action-packed level has been designed to throw enemies, including gigantic bosses called Commanders, against you in a certain order. You will need to study a stage and its waves of enemies in great detail in order to achieve the best score possible.

The frantic arcade action works with both the Wii Remote, Classic Controller and also the Nintendo GameCube controller. The game will also work in perfect harmony with the Wii Zapper, enabling players to feel even closer to the explosive gameplay. As well as an all-action single player mode, Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies boasts a co-operative mode in which a second player can get in on the action and assist in thwarting waves of enemies. Via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection you can also compare your scores with others thanks to international rankings and leaderboards.

The scoring system in Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies offers an intense challenge for everyone. Players are rewarded for hitting successive enemies while suffering as little damage as possible and can reap more points if they perform extraordinary actions, such as hitting a large number of enemies in a row.

The game gives fans plenty to talk about with lots of hidden gameplay elements to discover; such as the strategy to best tackle patterns of enemies or techniques that reward skilled players with coveted medals.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Το Wii μπορεί να μην είναι το πρώτο σύστημα που μας έρχεται στο μυαλό όταν του ζητείται να σκεφτεί κλασικά παιχνίδια τρόμου, αλλά το Silent Hill: Shattered Memories είναι εκεί ψηλά με τους καλύτερους τίτλους του είδους. Ο,τι καλύτερο για την χρήση των χαρακτηριστικών της κονσόλας, είτε πρόκειται για το ηχείο στο χειριστήριο είτε για έξυπνη χρήση των χειριστηρίων κίνησης. Οκ το Switch δεν έχει ηχεία στα Joy-con αλλά νομίζω ότι θα ξαναζήσουμε νοσταλγικές στιγμές.

When Harry Mason wakes up after a car accident to discover his precious daughter Cheryl is missing, it’s only the start of his nightmare. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for Wii reinvents the original version of the game a decade after the series first emerged to scare the living daylights out of anyone with a pulse. This time around, however, the title boasts Wii-specific content and features that turn everything you thought you knew on its head.

Dazed and confused from his accident, Harry must step into the wintry world of Silent Hill and begin his search for Cheryl. And with snow falling relentlessly and the eerie surroundings of the town becoming ever more uncomfortable, it’s a search he’d be advised to complete sooner than later.

Thankfully, he has at least a couple of essential tools at his disposal to help him track down clues. His flashlight – which is controlled intuitively using the Wii Remote – sheds light on the darkest corners of Silent Hill’s interiors and exteriors, while his mobile phone provides maps, helpful messages and a camera that can aid him in his search for answers.

As you lead Harry through town, the choices you make, people you meet and places you visit will shape him as a character and affect the way in which the game’s terrifying enemies evolve and attack. And when they do attack, don’t expect to have an αrmory of weapons at your disposal. This time around the emphasis is on escape, so get ready to run or hide if you want to help Harry track down his daughter.

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Νίκος "Olak" Κορμπέτης

Παράξενη η επαφή μου με τα παιχνίδια. Ερωτεύομαι εύκολα μαζί τους, τα τερματίζω δύσκολα. Τελικά, προσφάτως, κατάλαβα οτι πάντα ήμουν νιντεντάκιας και λάτρης των φορητών κονσολών. Το Switch και η υπέροχη κοινότητα του με έκανε να ξαναερωτευτώ το gaming. Μου λείπει το original Game Boy μου, θέλω να ξαναπαίξω όλα τα GBA παιχνίδια. Τα πρώτα μου λεφτά πήγαν σε κασέτα της Nintendo και συγκεκριμένα στο πρώτο Pokemon παιχνίδι που κυκλοφόρησε (την κόκκινη) και αυτός ο πρώτος έρωτας δεν ξεχνιέται

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