Η HAL απαντά στα μυστήρια του Kirby

Οι οπαδοί της Nintendo είχαν κάθε είδους ερωτήσεις σχετικά με τον Kirby όλα αυτά τα χρόνια. Το Polygon είχε την ευκαιρία να μιλήσει με τον director του HAL Laboratory, Shinya Kumazaki και τον διευθυντή Tatsuya Kamiyama, και έκαναν μερικές σκληρές ερωτήσεις για τον Kirby. Ενώ ορισμένες από τις ερωτήσεις είναι λίγο αυθόρμητες, οι απαντήσεις της ομάδας δεν είναι τίποτα λιγότερο από φανταστικές.
First up, what does the inside of Kirby look like? What’s actually on the inside of everyone’s favorite cream puff?
Dreams. Filled with dreams. Of course, we want to keep a mysterious side to Kirby. So I’ll say we will keep it a mystery.
Next, what would happen if Kirby swallowed another Kirby?
Kirby’s ability is to swallow and copy an object’s ability. In past games, there would be times when a yellow Kirby got swallowed by a pink Kirby. Pink Kirby would spit it out. So really nothing would happen. In terms of game design, we haven’t created anything special reaction associated with that.
But given Kirby’s ability is to copy, and it swallows a Kirby with the same ability, nothing would change. Though I do think it would be funny if it made two Kirby.
Most important of all, what happens to the enemies that Kirby swallows? Does Kirby gobbling them up end their lives?
Because the base world is a fantasy world, it’s not like they get swallowed and digested inside of Kirby. Because that might be jarring, and because we made the game to be approachable, having that kind of extreme or violent expression might negate making the game so approachable.
Instead, we have this comical, funny depiction where the enemies poof. When an enemy or creature gets swallowed by Kirby, they may disappear but they do resurface somewhere else in the world.
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