Saturday, March 29, 2025

Ανακοινώθηκε το Earth Defense Force: World Brothers για το Nintendo Switch

Οι εταιρείες D3 Publisher, Sandlot και Yuke’s ανακοίνωσαν το Earth Defense Force: World Brothers για το Nintendo Switch και το PS4. Θα κυκλοφορήσει μέσα στο 2020 στην Ιαπωνία. Καμμία ανακοίνωση για την ώρα για τη Δύση.

Η Earth Defense Force είναι μία σειρά third-person shooter η οποία κυκλοφορεί εδώ και 15 χρόνια μόνο σε κονσόλες της Sony όπως και σε PC. Φαίνεται πως τα δεδομένα άλλαξαν και θα έχουμε τον πρώτο τίτλο της σειράς σε κονσόλα της Nintendo.

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The Voxel World of a Square Earth

A new battlefield for the Earth Defense Force series appears. The setting: a square Earth. Its name: The Round Earth has Become Square!? DigiVox Earth Defense Force: World Brothers (full title). The game is set in a voxel world where everything is made of squares. In this world, the Earth is naturally also square. But this square, peaceful Earth has been shattered to pieces and is in a state of disaster. However, whether round or square, this planet is undoubtedly Earth. And so the Earth Defense Force is dispatched across the world to restore it back to its natural, peaceful state.

Save the Shattered Earth

Can anybody survive on an Earth shattered to pieces? Well, in the world of Earth Defense Force, normal everyday people are the strongest beings. The shattered pieces of Earth are still alive and waiting to be rescued.

The cities around the world and their places become the game’s stages floating in the voids of space. Since the world has shattered to pieces, there are broken Earth boundary lines (huge cliffs) at the end of each stage.

A Legendary Gathering of Soldiers

The army branches and soldiers of previous Earth Defense Force titles have been urgently called to arms. The army branches from the original Earth Defense Force (Monster Attack) up until Earth Defense Force 5 will appear. The legendary land combat soldier and good ol’ Pale Wing, as well as the Fencer and Air Raider from Earth Defense Force 4, will all fight in the same unit.

Gather Up the Local Earth Defense Force Soldiers

Each area of the shattered Earth awaits the help of the Earth Defense Force. Areas have not only legendary members, but also local Earth Defense Force members called “Brothers.” Liberate each area and become companions with the Brothers all over the world. You can befriend over 100 soldiers. Can you recruit the soldiers scattered all over the world to form the strongest unit?

Legendary Enemies Also Appear

The invading enemies are also legendary status. The enemies, massive weapons, and massive monsters from previous Earth Defense Force games have all assembled, including Invaders, Foreigners, Primers, Ravagers, and Aggressors. Their goal should have been to procure the Earth… and yet for some reason they have shattered it. Look forward to a deepening mystery.

Key Features

  • A Voxel World Earth Defense Force – While the Earth Defense Force series has been photo-realistic until now, this voxel world is a bold new frontier for the series. If you are someone who gets disgusted by huge, realistic insects, or someone who may not be good with brutal depictions, this game will allow you to experience an Earth Defense Force in which you can wipe out swarms of huge enemies.
  • Create Your Own Earth Defense Force Unit – The soldiers of the Earth Defense Force are fighting alone in the various countries of the shattered world. By rescuing and assembling those soldiers, you can create your very own Earth Defense Force unit. For each mission, you can form and dispatch a team of four soldiers. While alternating between the soldiers in your unit, use each soldier’s special abilities to break through various different battle situations.
  • Earth Defense Force Soldiers from Previous Titles Assemble as Characters – Soldiers from the original Earth Defense Force (Monster Attack) up until Earth Defense Force 5, as well as army branches and characters from spin-off titles, will reappear as voxel soldiers. Many soldiers, weapons, and arms from previous games are included. It will be nostalgic to fans of the series, as well a solid entry point for newcomers, welcoming a wide range of players.
  • Enemies from Previous Titles Also Appear – In addition to soldiers, the invaders that have previously terrorized Earth will also cross realities and appear. Their voxel designs and gargantuan size are a must-see.


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